Wednesday, October 6, 2010

broken heart

when you're a mom, stuff hits you differently when you didn't have anyone else you had to think about if something ever happened to you.
over the weekend a young mom and dad were on their way home from a family wedding when they hit a moose.  he died at the scene, she died in hospital the next day.  their 2 year old survived.
this brings back alot of emotions from a year ago, when i was sitting holding my week old baby my mom called to tell me that a young girl from my hometown (who i had grown up with, played sports with, and had just had her make my husband's birthday cake the week before, and who i had just sent an email to thanking her) was killed in an accident and her 3 kids lived.
life is so unfair sometimes that kids have to grow up not knowing their moms, or dads or both.  one of my worst fears is C growing up without me.
i sit here with my eyes filled with tears, my heart broken for all the families that have tragedies such as this happen, and for the children who's lives are forever changed.

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