Wednesday, July 13, 2011


1. i love my whirlpool tub.  to be more specific, my back loves my whirlpool tub.
2. i am enjoying fresh strawberries, and it makes me happy.
3. the air conditioner is perhaps the greatest invention in the world.
4. my little boy is growing up way too fast for my liking.
5. a line from the blake shelton song, Who Are You When I'm Not Lookin', he sings a line "do you paint your toes cause you bite your nails?"  that's totally me.
6. my list is done because my child just came into the room and now there's quite a lingering odor.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

25 down 15 to go!

i can't believe 25 weeks has gone by already.. it seems like i just found out i was pregnant, but oh my land, that was waaaay back in february!!  
last night J felt the baby kick for the first time.. this little guy is getting stronger by the second :)  that feeling is one of the best in the world.  i love feeling him move and kick and make a place for himself inside my body... it's such  an awesome experience!!
i'm definately looking forward to the next 15 weeks, and to be able to hug and hold this little man!