Friday, August 12, 2011

bad blogger

summer is all but flying by, and we've been busy with vacation, camping and life.  blog took a backseat for awhile, but as i was doing devotions this morning, a portion of the message really spoke to me and reminded me of changes that have occurred in my life, and the new direction i was pointed in, all according to God's plan for my life.  
i just thought i would share that portion with you today.

We too may experience circumstances that change the course of our lives. But God reminds us of this: I loved you before you loved Me. I want to give you hope and a future. Give all your worries to Me because I care about you (1 John 4:19; Jer. 29:11; 1 Peter 5:7; John 10:10).

we tend to take on all life's problems and worries on our own shoulders before giving them to God.  it's really hard sometimes to "let go and let God".  we have to trust that God knows what's best for us, He loves us, and although we don't see the big picture, He has nothing but plans to help us prosper :)