Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011. signed. sealed. delivered.

wow.. another year done.  where does the time go?  seriously!
time for my 2nd annual year in review. i've been thinking about this post all week.  taking a look through old pictures, thinking of everything that has happened over the past year.  we sure did manage to squeeze quite a few things into 2011.. here are some of the highs (and, unfortunately, a low, but we'll get to that)

first off we celebrated our 1st anniversary on Feb 4, 2011.  no big trips for us.. we sure did miss travelling south and we're hoping to go again once the kidlets are a bit older and can be dropped off without much fuss to gramma's for a week:)

since we didn't have the top of our wedding cake saved (no freezers in our room in cuba to keep that baby cold for a week) i had a lady make on for us to have on our anniversary.  mom took caleb for the night and we had some much needed quality time together (and supper out!!)

the next HUGE life-changer came also in February.  i'm secretly hoping that feb 2012 isn't nearly as exciting!  ha!

and for those of you thinking, so gramma has C for the night eh?........cha-ching!  sorry.  i was probably already pregnant on our anniversary! :)

in 2011, our family (meaning 2 cousins, my brother as well as myself)  would welcome FOUR new babies!!
the first little bundle arrived on April 14, 2011.  Annie Jane Copp.

in between all the babies, J and i were invited to 3 weddings, all within 4 weeks of each other the first part of June.  the first one, J's cousin Melanie, i was unable to attend, so i don't have any pics of that one.  sick as a dog.
the second one, thought, i was able to attend.  Friends since Grade One.  she still visits me weekly and brings me coffee (lifesaver!)  Gill.
here's us, i think around grade 5 or 6

and the beautiful bride on her most gorgeous day.  love you Gill!

in between all our weddings, we found out we were expecting a.......

uncooperative kid.  oh great!!  baby decided to keep mama on pins and needles for another 2 weeks!  we definately found out at the next appointment that we were having another BOY!!  this time there was no shyness for the ultrasound, as he proudly displayed all his belongings for everyone to see.

back to weddings.  our friends, kate and matt, got married on a beautiful day mid june :)

june ended on a rather sad note as I lost someone very special and important to me.  Grandpa Copp passed away peacefully on June 27, 2011, just about 2 weeks shy of his 90th birthday.  He was my last living grandparent, and I was very lucky to have him in my life for so long.  My brother, G, spoke these words at his funeral, and it sums up very nicely how we all felt about him.

"Good afternoon friends and family,
When I heard the news of Grandpa's passing on Monday morning, I was on my way to work down in Saint John.  After getting off the phone with mom, I immediately started reminiscing on the times we had shared over the last 26 years.  I realized a lot of the little things in my life we infuenced by him.  so i thought i would share some of them with you here today.  i eventually got to work, and sat there, not working, but thinking.  i wondered what advice the Bible had to offer me in this situation.
A google search lead me to John 14: 1-3
'Let not your heart be troubled, you believe in God, believe also in me.  in my Father's house there are many mansions, if it were not so, I would not have told you.  I go prepare a place for you.  And if i go prepare a place, I will come again and recieve you unto myself; that where I am you may also be'
After reading this passage, I kind of chuckled to myself of the thoughts of Grandpa strolling through the gates of heaven to claim his mansion.
he'd have his church hat on.. maybe his false teeth stuck out if anyone tried to take his picture.  then he'd easily find his mansion.  it would be the only one painted CPR red on those streets of gold and surely Nana would have a pot of her famous beans all ready to celebrate his arrival.
Now if i could, i'd like to share some of my memories of Grandpa that immediately came to mind that i'll carry with me forever.
He's been a great influence on me in many ways...but the one that I thought of right off was my taste in music and the volume at which i listen to it at.
I can't count how many times I've gone into nana and grandpa's house and him been sitting on the couch with the headphones on and the country music just blaring in this ears.
i remember building the raft at the camp along with several other construction projects thoughout the years.  including a few electrical tasks out in the workshop... but i think it's safe to say that i'll run any of my electrical chores past Neven first, as i can recall there were sparks flying on more than one occasion.
Regardless what the work was, there was always a stop for a diet 7-up on those red Adirondack chairs on the deck to avoid breaking too big of a sweat.
when a job ran into lunch hour, there was always and extended lunch break which included Grandpa's signature dish, and really showed off his culinary skills.

Burnt hotdogs and onions.

i could stand up here and tell stories all day about our adventures.  including the time we got lost looking for the nature trail, but i'll save that for another time.
instead, i'd like to end by getting each of you to reflect on the time you spent with him.  we are here to celebrate his life and be thankful for having such a great man in our lives for so many years.
thank you grandpa for all the lessons and memories.  we love you and you'll forever be in each of our hearts.
thank you."

thank you G for saying those words about our grandfather, and i'm sorry i couldn't hold it together enough to stand up there with you.  i am, after all, the family crier :)

July brought birthdays.  lots and lots of birthdays!  the most important, however, was our little man's.  TWO!!

summer flew by, and before we knew it, October was here.  more specifically, October 6, 2011, 7:52pm was here, and little Ayden Thomas made us a family of four.

So, Ayden was the 2nd baby born to our family.  According to ultrasounds and whatnot, there was supposed to be a girl and 3 boys.  the girl being Annie Jane, who was born in the spring.  3 weeks after Ayden was born, my cousin Rebecca and her husband welcomed their little girl Mayah to the world.  the thing is, they were told all along that they were having a boy.  they were all prepared for a boy.  they had even named him Luke.  but Luke turned out to be a Mayah and shocked us all!!

3 weeks after Mayah's shocking arrival, we were prepared for anything when my sister in law went into labour.  they were expecting a boy, and a little boy they had.  Riley David weighed 4lbs 15 oz fresh out of the oven.. what a little peanut.

that brings us around to Christmas 2011.  we spent the day at home with family.  did a little travelling after Christmas day and have been lounging and relaxing ever since.  i love having time off!!

wow, we sure packed alot of stuff into 2011.
the hope for 2012:  Family beside you.
                              Close and caring friends.
                              Health inside you.
                              Love that never ends.
happy new year!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


alot of my posts tend to be about songs i like, baking or my kids.  but hey, that's my life in a nutshell.  this one is about a song.  have you ever heard a song that just takes you right back to a special time in your life and you feel the song could've been written just for you?
i heard this one on the radio the other day, and it took me way back to high school and some wonderful february memories.  might have been 15 years ago, but still feels like yesterday to me :)

click here to listen - lady antebellum dancin away with my heart

Project 365: days 16-28

yikes..  another multi-pic post.  i have been taking pictures daily, but with the holidays, just haven't been loading them up everyday.  so... heeeeere goes :

day 16

day 17

day 18

day 19

day 20:

day 21:

day 22:

day 23:

day 24:

day 25:

day 26:

day 27:

day 28:  this pic might seem random, but i just got this plug in scentsy warmer from my friend out west.  this pic is for her :)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Project 365: Days 6-15

before i post the pics for the last 10 days, just a bit of a colic update.  we had a bit of a setback and he cried for over 2 hours for 2 nights this week, but last night he didn't cry at all (and slept 7 hours at night! yay!) and so far tonight he's just a little fussy, but it's not colic.. yet :)

Day 6:

 Day 7:

 Day 8:

 Day 9:

Day 10:

Day 11:
 Day 12:

Day 13:

Day 14:

Day 15:

Monday, December 5, 2011

Project 365: day 5

this picture is one i've waited almost 7 weeks for.  this was taken about 5 min ago in what would normally be the middle of A's colic time.  Ahhh.

sweetness :)

Project 365: days 2, 3 & 4

Day 2:  my beautiful poinsettia.  it's just not christmas until i have one!

Day 4:  C & A's letters to Santa

Thursday, December 1, 2011

project 365 kickoff!

here we go! 
day 1

love my boy :)

back to december

i'm going to start december off with a little photo project.   well, actually not a little one at all.. a year long project.  in an effort to make sure i get my camera out more often so poor A doesn't fall into the "second child = less pictures" category, i'm going to challenge myself to Project 365.  The way i see it, there'll be nothing but pluses.  more picture-taking means better camera skills, more pictures of my kids, and more blogging!

today will be a two post day on the ol' blog.. i'll be back later with today's picture!

Monday, November 28, 2011

gripe water


Colic (also known as infantile colic) is a condition in which an otherwise healthy baby cries or displays symptoms of distress (cramping, moaning, etc) frequently and for extended periods, without any discernible reason. The condition typically appears within the first month of life and often disappears rather suddenly, before the baby is three to four months old, but can last up to 12 months of life.

until you have a baby with colic, you have absolutely no idea what it's really like.  you can sympathize and feel bad for the stressed out mom, always on the verge of tears with big black bags under her eyes, but now that i have experienced (and still going strong) a colicky baby, i have a bit of advice for those of you who feel the need to make suggestions.  don't.  A has had colic for about 6 weeks now.. do you honestly think that i haven't tried different "colic" drops or home remedies, or taken my baby to the doctor? 

 the thing i find absolutely the most annoying is "well, have you tried gripe water?  i heard that works.". 
  no, i hadn't thought of a $2.99 wonder cure.  i actually prefer the meds that costs 4 times as much that works just about the same.  thanks for comin' out.

or better yet, "have you tried...... (insert suggestion here)?  worked with so and so's kid"

please, for the sake of all mother's with colicky children.. don't make suggestions.  Instead, here's what you could say. "oh no, i feel really bad for you.  how about i come over and help you with the baby thursday night so you can have a break?"  most parents with colicky children will not ask for help.  trust me, they feel bad that their perfect little bundles turn into screaming demons for 3 hours ever night.  and that is not something they wish to inflict on their worst enemy.  so make good on the promise to go help them out, and i can guarantee, they'll do the same for you if a similar situation presents itself in your life.

I already have to make good on a promise like that for one very good and awesome friend.
now that my rick mercer type rant is done, i'm going to go enjoy the silence while it lasts :)

Friday, November 11, 2011

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


hear it: amazing grace

Amazing grace
How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now I'm found
Was blind, but now I see
'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear
And grace my fears relieved
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed
My chains are gone
I've been set free
My God, my Savior has ransomed me
And like a flood His mercy rains
Unending love, Amazing grace

The Lord has promised good to me
His word my hope secures
He will my shield and portion be
As long as life endures

My chains are gone
I've been set free
My God, my Savior has ransomed me
And like a flood His mercy rains
Unending love, Amazing grace

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

thoughts on toddlers

this came up in my newsfeed on facebook today.  nothing but the truth!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

what we've been doing....

the past few months have revolved around getting ready to meet this little man.   this was a long and a bit of a difficult pregnancy, so we're very happy and relieved that our new little man has been born.  ATG was born on Oct 6, 2011 (2 weeks early!) at 7:52pm, weighing 8lbs 11oz, 21 1/4 inches.  We're so happy he's here, he's healthy and he definately completes our little family.  We love you, A!

Friday, August 12, 2011

bad blogger

summer is all but flying by, and we've been busy with vacation, camping and life.  blog took a backseat for awhile, but as i was doing devotions this morning, a portion of the message really spoke to me and reminded me of changes that have occurred in my life, and the new direction i was pointed in, all according to God's plan for my life.  
i just thought i would share that portion with you today.

We too may experience circumstances that change the course of our lives. But God reminds us of this: I loved you before you loved Me. I want to give you hope and a future. Give all your worries to Me because I care about you (1 John 4:19; Jer. 29:11; 1 Peter 5:7; John 10:10).

we tend to take on all life's problems and worries on our own shoulders before giving them to God.  it's really hard sometimes to "let go and let God".  we have to trust that God knows what's best for us, He loves us, and although we don't see the big picture, He has nothing but plans to help us prosper :)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


1. i love my whirlpool tub.  to be more specific, my back loves my whirlpool tub.
2. i am enjoying fresh strawberries, and it makes me happy.
3. the air conditioner is perhaps the greatest invention in the world.
4. my little boy is growing up way too fast for my liking.
5. a line from the blake shelton song, Who Are You When I'm Not Lookin', he sings a line "do you paint your toes cause you bite your nails?"  that's totally me.
6. my list is done because my child just came into the room and now there's quite a lingering odor.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

25 down 15 to go!

i can't believe 25 weeks has gone by already.. it seems like i just found out i was pregnant, but oh my land, that was waaaay back in february!!  
last night J felt the baby kick for the first time.. this little guy is getting stronger by the second :)  that feeling is one of the best in the world.  i love feeling him move and kick and make a place for himself inside my body... it's such  an awesome experience!!
i'm definately looking forward to the next 15 weeks, and to be able to hug and hold this little man!

Monday, June 27, 2011

July 10, 1921- June 27, 2011

For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know! I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far.

Friday, June 17, 2011

it's a.......

BOY!  :)  

everyone thought i was having a girl cause this pregnancy has been sooooo different from C's.  but alas, he's getting a brother.  my initial feeling when i first found out i was pregnant was that it was a boy, and turns out i was right! :)
can't wait to meet this little man!

Friday, June 10, 2011

waiting and.... waiting

we're still waiting to find out if this little critter (who's getting stronger and bigger by the second, judging by the kicks i've been feeling lately) is a boy or girl.

uncooperative and stubborn.  just like his/her mama.  i'm so proud :)

only 3 more sleeps.... hopefully!

Monday, May 23, 2011

pink... or blue?

the week we've been waiting for is finally here.  this week we'll find out if this little critter that's been giving his or her mama a run for her money is a boy or girl.  
this pregnancy has been a very different one from my first.  migraines,   the "morning" sickness (which is some kind of cruel joke in my opinion) that lasted all day, and i'm still having trouble with it.  the weird cravings, sandwiches,  fruit and pickles... yes please!  and the worst one is the loss in appetite i've had for 18 weeks and 6 days.  weird cravings aside,  i DO NOT want food.  at all.  if it didn't make me feel so sick not to eat, i probably wouldn't!  best diet ever!  haha if only it were that easy when i wasn't carrying a child!

i know that it sounds like i'm complaining, and i'm really trying not to... it's worth every second you carry that baby.  every ache and pain, every morning spent bent over the toilet, every weird dream and craving to have them run down the hall to you, naked as the day they were born and say, "hi mama, tubbatee". (translation = hi mama, tubby).

 that happened to me not two minutes ago, and i wouldn't change it for the world :)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


it's been raining here for a gazillion days in a row, with no end in sight.  

i'm starting to get grumpy.  

today's post is dedicated to the wonderful sunshiney vacations i've been lucky enough to go on.  i've got to get my vitamin d somewhere.




please go away.


not your friend.

Monday, May 2, 2011


"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that." --Martin Luther King, Jr.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


an exchange between myself and my 21 month old:

M:  do you want a drink?

C:  nooo.

M: do you want a snack?

C: nooo.

M: do you want to go outside?

C: noooo.

M: do you know another word besides "nooo"?

C:  book.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

a little perspective

this past weekend, friends of mine that i attended Crandall University with, discovered that their daughter was sick.  very sick.  i'm unaware of all the details, but after some bloodtests and a trip to the IWK in Halifax, it was determined that their 21/2 year old daughter may have leukemia.  


my heart instantly broke for them.  being a mom of an almost 2 year old myself, i immediately thought of my son, and what i would do if something like this happened to him.  i would be an absolute mess to put it mildly.  

i immediately sent her a message to let her know that i was thinking about her, and that i would be praying for her, her husband and their precious little girl.
yesterday, they found out (after a bone marrow test) that she has the type of leukemia known as ALL.  it is actually the easiest to cure and treat of the two types.  still a long road ahead for this little girl and her family.
i took this picture from her facebook page to show have amazingly resilient children can be, and we can all learn a lesson from them when faced with any kind of problem.

i'm still praying for you little one, and i hope you get well soon!