Thursday, March 24, 2011

Sunday, March 13, 2011


this week, C and I had the week off for march break.  we had a great week, filling our days with outings, visits and playdates.  i'm sad to see the week over already!
funny story that just happened today, and is a perfect ending to our "time out" from work.
J was cleaning up the kitchen after supper, and C was helping.  or looking out the window, haha.  he came over and wanted J to pick him up.  he needed to see something out of the kitchen door.  they looked for a minute, then J set him down.  well, you would have thought his little world had come crashing in on him. he certainly can be an expert fit-thrower when he doesn't get his way. So,  J spoke to him, and told him that if he didn't calm down, he was getting a time-out.  C grabbed his finger, and wanted him to walk with him.  he led his father thru the living room, and down the hall to our "time-out" spot in front of the bathroom door.  he then told his father to "sit", and "stay" and then came back out to the living room.  J and I both were crying we were laughing so hard  :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


help, help me rhonda.
kids are driving me crazy.
i think i need cake.